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All the sharks, jumped

There was a time, on this blog, that I actually was capable of writing what passed, at least in my own mind if nowhere else, for satirical or humorously mocking pieces about Republicans, but I admit my powers seem to be fading. I’ve blamed myself, to myself, until today I had a revelation. It is, quite literally, impossible to satirize the self satirizing, or to mock the self mocking. At least it is if you presume your audience has the slightest shred of intelligence, for satire and political humor both involve the exposure of a target’s weakness, whether it be stupidity, hypocrisy, irrationality, paranoia or the toxic mix of all of the above that is the brand of the modern Republican party. But this presupposes the need to expose these things; that they are, at least to some extent, practiced in a nuanced enough fashion that they need exposure. But we are so beyond that point in this post-post modern age. This is the age of out and proud stupidity, full frontal hypocrisy, blatant irrationality, and open and notorious paranoia. What’s to expose? What is there to satirize? These barreled are shooting themselves.

Latest case in point is the right wing’s effort to blame the Obama administration for the Sandra Fluke episode. The specifics of the plot are many and varied, but apparently they are all variants of the theme that the Obama folks set up the Republicans to deny Fluke the opportunity to testify, planning in advance to have her testify before a rump hearing of their own, knowing full well that Rush would engage in a vitriolic disgusting attack on her, thereby forcing Republicans to choose between doing the right thing and defending, Rush, knowing that the Republicans would never offend Rush, and knowing also that they could then make contraception and the right of women to be treated as human beings an issue in the campaign. All this, the Democrats, the party that has never in my lifetime managed to push any talking point in unison, planned in advance, with the hapless and hopeless Republicans falling for it every inch of the way, with Rush dutifully stepping up to spew the expected vitriol.

Rush himself is getting into the act:

By the way, the movie Game Change, the HBO movie that premiered on Saturday night (that’s designed, once again, to castigate and destroy Sarah Palin all over again)? The same public relations firm representing Sandra Fluke represents Game Change. The same PR firm that handled Sandra Fluke’s episode is handling Game Change, and you know who it is? Anita Dunn, formerly of the White House! The Mao Tse-tung admirer, by her own admission. Anita Dunn, Obama’s former adviser, is the PR firm for the movie Game Change and for Sandra Fluke. It’s all part of a plan. It is not accidental. None of this stuff just happened. "Whoa, looky over there what just happened! It’s all orchestrated.

There it all is, a pile of warm and steaming stupidity, hypocrisy, irrationality, and paranoia that defies ridicule. It says to all and sundry: you cannot expose anything I have not already revealed. You cannot satirize me. I am beyond mockery. You might consider pitying me, but I defy even that.


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