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Just what they had in mind


Seems Karl Rove has been pretty blatantly coordinating with the Romney campaign, secure in the knowledge that no one will do anything about it.

WASHINGTON — Karl Rove was the featured speaker at a previously unreported luncheon held just outside the Mitt Romney campaign’s recent retreat for high-dollar donors, according to three Republican fundraisers who attended the event.

Rove’s luncheon speech did not appear on the retreat’s official agenda because Romney’s campaign didn’t host it. Instead, the event was hosted by Solamere Capital, a private equity firm founded by Tagg Romney, the candidate’s eldest son, and Spencer Zwick, the Romney campaign’s chief fundraiser who is often described as Romney’s “sixth son”.

(via The Huffington Post)

The article goes on to make a fairly damning case that Rove is violating both the spirit and letter of what is now the law (until the Supreme court gets to rule), and includes this paragraph:

“This kind of activity [by Rove] is the last thing the Supreme Court had in mind when it ruled that spending by an outside group had to be ’totally independent’ and ’wholly independent’ from a candidate the group is supporting with expenditures,” Fred Wertheimer, the president of Democracy 21, said in an interview. “The FEC lives in a pure fantasy world in the way it attempts to define coordinated activities as not being coordinated activities.”

I beg to differ. I’m not sure which Supreme Court ruling Wertheimer is referencing, but it seems pretty clear from Citizens United, and the court’s recent brush off to Montana, that this is precisely the type of activity the court has in mind. The country is now up for sale, and the Supreme Court ordered the auction.


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