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Chris Dodd-patriot

This being a Connecticut blog, and Chris Dodd being the Democratic Senator from Connecticut, it is mandatory that I salute him for his attempt to stop the FISA bill that Harry Reid brought to the floor of the Senate. The Senate invoked cloture, and the filibuster is over. What a leader Harry is. He has been unable to stop a single Republican filibuster, but he had no problem breaking a Democratic filibuster. Maybe that’s because the Republican filibusters were about such trivial things as stopping the war, which hardly matters, while Dodd’s filibuster threatened the interests of important Congressional constituents: large corporations. Needless to say, the interests of the American people, and the mouldy piece of paper known as the Constitution are beside the point.

Here’s the roll of honor of those that voted with Chris:

Russ Feingold
Barbara Boxer
Sherrod Brown
Maria Cantwell
Benjamin L. Cardin
Tom Harkin
John Kerry
Robert Menendez
Ron Wyden of Oregon

All Democrats of course. It’s interesting that there are so many freshmen among the group. Profiles in Courage Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger to try to move either Reid or their fellow Senators to reject this bill, though they all claimed they were against it. Leaders all.

Dodd has done much to redeem Connecticut’s honor, though Lieberman does his best to besmirch it at every turn.

UPDATE: Seems like the New York Times overstated the case. Harry Reid has pulled the bill off the legislative calendar. DODD WINS.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Watch Dodd’s closing remarks here.

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