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Little noted

In keeping with their fear and loathing of effective messaging, the Democrats themselves will probably never mention this, but tell your friends that the GOP only kept control of Congress because they managed to gerrymander every state they control beyond recognition. More people voted for Democrats for Congress than Republicans. It’s a point that should be hammered home, but of course, it is a fact to which neither pundit nor politician will allude. In any rationally structured country, we would have swept the table.


It is an unfortunate fact that Democrats have a habit of losing big in years ending in zero. The Republicans get to draw the districts, as a result of which the House of Representatives is well stocked with buffoons. The Senate is too, but not quite so abundantly. The Senate is crippled by the filibuster, and the House by gerrymandering. We are probably the least democratic “democracy” in the world. 

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