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Yet another mystery

Robert Waldman, of the excellent Angry Bear blog, which concentrates on economic issues, notes something that is well known, yet little noted nor long remembered, inasmuch as the folks who dominate the chatter in this country have very short memory spans for some things:

Many have noted that under success hating kenyan islamosocialist Barack Obama nominal corporate profits just set a new record. Uh so what. A dollar isn’t worth what it used to be worth. Graphing nominal quantities is silly. The more interesting points is that the ratio of after tax corporate profits to GDP just set a new record (data only go back to 1947)

He further notes that Obama is not a Democratic outlier; in fact, far from it:

Angrybear readers know that GDP grows faster under Democrats and so should not be surprised at how much more horribly real corporate profits tend to do under Republicans.

So this raises the question, in light of the fact that Democratic policies tend to increase corporate profits (this can’t, after all, be entirely coincidental) why our corporate masters almost all support Republicans. Could it be that they don’t really care how their corporations do as long as they do well personally, and that they believe, not without reason, that they will be allowed to enrich themselves, the general and corporate good be damned, under Republicans. This is just a hypotheses, of course and needs study, but like any good hypothesis it does appear to explain the observed facts.

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