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Paul Simon sang that we live in an age of miracles and wonders. And we do. But we also live in an age of awe inspiring insanity. The Age of Reason, which spawned this great land, has given way to the Age of Unreason. The latest example, which breaks new ground in legal unreasoning, is contained in a brief filed in the Supreme Court, opposing gay marriage:

The traditional marriage laws “reflect a unique social difficulty with opposite-sex couples that is not present with same-sex couples — namely, the undeniable and distinct tendency of opposite-sex relationships to produce unplanned and unintended pregnancies,” wrote Clement, a solicitor general under President George W. Bush. “Unintended children produced by opposite-sex relationships and raised out-of-wedlock would pose a burden on society.”

“It is plainly reasonable for California to maintain a unique institution [referring to marriage] to address the unique challenges posed by the unique procreative potential of sexual relationships between men and women,” argued Washington attorney Charles J. Cooper, representing the defenders of Proposition 8. Same-sex couples need not be included in the definition of marriage, he said, because they “don’t present a threat of irresponsible procreation.”

(via Daily Kos)

Now, the writer at Daily Kos goes on to patiently explain why this is balls out crazy, but that’s the wrong tack to take. Anyone who needs such an explanation is too far gone. No, just put it up there and stand in awe. This is America in the Age of UnReason. Prepare for more awe when the Supreme Court that ruled that James Madison intended for every American to have the right to an assault weapon tops itself by restricting marriage to heterosexual couples because only they have the biological equipment necessary to have unplanned babies.

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