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A little more on the IRS “scandal”

I’m beginning to feel like I’m cheating, as I’ve linked so often to Pam Martens and her excellent blog, Wall Street on Parade. Today she has another excellent piece, exposing the extent to which the Koch Brothers have funded the tea party movement for the sole purpose of influencing elections.

Yesterday, I said this about the IRS actions that have given the Republicans the vapors:

The real scandal, of course is that both parties (but of course, the Republicans more blatantly) have gotten away with abusing the 501©(4) designation, and the IRS has done nothing about it.

So, while I do encourage you to read Ms. Marten’s entire post, I want to draw special attention to the closing paragraph, which proves that great minds really do think alike.

The debate right now should not be the ethics of the IRS investigating Tea Party groups – the debate should be why the U.S. Department of Justice has not brought any criminal prosecutions.

(via Wall Street on Parade: It’s High Time the IRS Investigates the Funding of the Tea Party)

Only the Republicans could get away with turning criminals into victims, and only Democrats would enable them.

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