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Friday Night Music

So, no rock legends died this week, but chance has come to my rescue. I’ve got my iPod connected to my car stereo system, and my choice of music is pretty much dictated by randomly spinning the selection wheel on the stereo. It’s an uncertain process, since I also have to keep an eye on the road, and the ultimate selection, while not exactly totally random, is close enough. Anyway, a couple of days who should appear on the little LED screen but the Allman Brothers, who I promptly chose and realized straightaway that I’ve never put them up, or at least I can’t remember having done so, which is the same thing.

This is an instrumental, Jessica. Great guitar work, of course.

I actually thought about putting up something on Esther Williams, who died yesterday. I decided against it, but I do recommend perusing some of the stuff on youtube. She was actually a little before my time, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of her water routines before. She had a lot of guts. I was a swimmer myself, though not very good (terrible, actually), but you couldn’t get me or most of the swimmers I knew to do a swan dive off a high diving board. Even the diver on my college team, who was an excellent diver on the one meter, was a little gun shy on the high board. According to the Times obit, she literally broke her back diving off a 50 foot platform because the idiots making the movie she was in put a metal crown on her head that caused it to snap back when she hit the water. Oh, what the heck, this is as far from the Allman Brothers as you can get, but check this out.

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