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Friday Night Music, 4th of July Edition (A look back), and a bit of a rant

Well, another national natal day has passed, but just barely, and festivities certainly go on around our great land, so it’s only appropriate that we give another listen to the song that should be our National Anthem. This performance is by Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen, and the assembled multitude. It brings back memories of those early days, when we thought we’d elected a president who bid fair to become another Roosevelt. Well, we got that wrong, and we never got that Hope and Change, or hardly enough to matter. Still, we can’t give up hope, the other side of that wall still belongs to you and me if we can only get ourselves together to jump it.

Lest it be claimed by some people that I am too hard on Obama, let me say that he appears to be holding his own in the affections of the people. Yesterday the Groton Federation of Democratic Women had cardboard Barack on its parade float, see below, and he and they were very well received by the crowd: many cheers and only scattered naysayers.


In a weird sort of way the man is blessed by the enemies he’s made. Most people are totally unaware of the extent to which he’s sought to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted. Fox and the right wing have pushed so hard on their “radical socialist” meme that most folks assume that Obama is at least inclined in that direction. As for yours truly, I face facts, albeit reluctantly sometimes. The guy we thought or hoped we elected doesn’t exist. He coulda been a contender, right up there with the big guys; the times were right, and the country was primed. Instead, he’ll merely take his place as the best president of this century so far, and given the competition, that’s saying nothing at all.

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