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All of a sudden all kinds of people are coming out as Obama fans (I won’t mention names, but one sleeps with me). Talk about fickle. Not to take anything away from the guy, but if you wanted to design a system least likely to do the best job at picking a president, you might well come up with the Iowa caucuses. Nonetheless, and for the moment, he’s the guy who’s looking inevitable. Great victory speech:


I’m still undecided, now that Dodd has dropped out. I’ll take whoever wins, to be honest. It’s nice to have a field you can say that about.

Right now I’m enjoying the fact that Republicans are going absolutely crazy at the thought of Huckabee. Today two of them (Republicans, that is) told me that they were scared of the guy. Hard to see why, really. They’ve been handing the country over to these people one judge at a time, but somehow making one of them president gives them the willies. Meanwhile, the media types are pushing McCain as hard as they can. It will be interesting to see if they can pull that off.

On Obama again: There have been two other presidents from Illinois. Let us set aside U.S. Grant. The first was a guy who served a couple of terms in the state legislature and one term in Congress. When people talk about Obama’s lack of experience he might remind them of one A. Lincoln, the first Republican president, but a guy who would certainly be a Democrat today.

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