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Chris Dodd returns home

My wife and I went to East Haddam today to join a a crowd of folks welcoming Chris Dodd back from the campaign trail. Chris never caught on, but he earned the gratitude of Constitution lovers everywhere by holding off the latest assault on the Constitution, taking time off from his campaign to do so. It would have been nice to see Hillary and Obama standing shoulder to shoulder with him. Had they done so, we might not be facing the prospect of yet another attempt by Harry Reid to get telecom immunity passed into law.

Chris did Connecticut proud. He more than makes up for the Senator from Connecticut who shall remain unnamed in this post.

Below is my fledgling youtube video of the beginning of Chris’s speech. I was in the back of the room, and had to hold my little camera high above my head to get a decent shot. It’s a bit out of focus at first, but it gets sharper after a few seconds. The video is the length it is because my shoulder started to give out. Anyway, this gives a bit of a feel for the enthusiasm people felt for Chris. I should add that he and his wife got the most applause when they talked about defending the Constitution, particularly with regard to the FISA bill.


Now that he’s no longer in the presidential picture it’s time to start talking about the fact that Chris would make an excellent vice presidential candidate, assuming Obama is the eventual nominee. He’d do a great job as a vice presidential candidate, since he’d be able to handle the attack dog role with humor and finesse. He’d also be a great vice president in that he could provide Obama with advice about how to push his legislative agenda through Congress. He certainly knows the players. Finally, if something happened to Obama, he’d be a great president.

Of course, for that to happen, our state legislature needs to amend state law to prevent Jodi Rell from appointing Chris’s successor. I’ve raised this issue before in the Lieberman context. Now there’s another reason to do it.

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