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New London makes news

New London, the fair metropolis just to the west of my adopted town of Groton, has proven yet again that, despite appearances, it is not just a jerkwater town dominated by a giant highway entrance that destroyed most of the historic center of town so that people could be spirited to Groton to build instruments of death. the town is far more than that; it is a place where cutting edge research is done. No, not at the Pfizer campus, built and then abandoned by a soulless corporation. I'm talking about venerable Connecticut College, where researchers have proven what many might feel is fairly obvious, but must nonetheless be rigorously proven: that Oreos are more addictive than cocaine. At least rats find Oreos more compelling, and I see no reason to believe the results don't hold true for us humans. After all, at least when it comes to Oreos, rats seem to be spookily like us humans:

What was surprising ā€“ and Iā€™m not kidding ā€“ the rats preferred to open the Oreos and eat the middle first, then eat the cookie outside. Seriously.

via Americablog

I can well and truly believe that Oreos are addictive, though I myself have gone cold turkey in the Oreo department for many years. For, lets face it, in the world of sugar addiction, Oreos are the marijuana to the many forms of sugary heroin out there. I myself prefer my drug of choice to be delivered in fairly pure form, in the darkest of chocolates. Why adulterate it with flour, regardless of how little there may be in the Oreo sugar delivery module? I'm sure if given a choice, the rats would agree with me.

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