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Hillary, take 2

As I’ve said before, I am not a Hillary fan, but my problem is her policy positions, not her personality. But despite the fact that I’d probably prefer Obama or Edwards, I must say I’m taking mucho satisfaction from her surprise victory Tuesday. There are many ways to interpret it, but at least one, which in my opinion has some validity, is that it was a great big pie in the face to our misogynistic, pack mentality media.

The reactions are delicious, and perfectly illustrate the truth of the claim that the pack is viscerally anti-Hillary, having nothing to do with her policies, but everything to do with the fact that she has not appropriately massaged their egos, or in the case of some, left their masculinity unthreatened.

Check out poor Chris Matthews, who was momentarily shocked into conceding that Hillary was a person of substance, until he slept off his attack of sanity and claimed that she is where she is only because Bill done her wrong.

Worse still, and I won’t even link to it, Maureen Dowd checks in with a column entitled “Can Hillary Cry Her Way Back to the White House?”. I don’t read Dowd’s stuff. As I’ve said before, her columns are all, when you get down to it, really about her. There was one, brief shining moment, when she actually seemed to care about the state of this country, and the fact that we are sliding toward fascism, but she retreated back to her comfort zone. There she is, attacking Hillary for a moment of human “weakness” of a type usually attributed to women, while she herself engages in the type of stereotypically catty “I’m better than you because I can creatively insult you” behavior in which most high school girls are too mature to indulge.

There has to be something good about anyone who can bring out the worst in the scum that has risen to the top of our media world. By that measure, Hillary has achieved greatness. So, though I’ll vote for someone else on February 5th, today my hat is off to her.

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