And more glory to our part of the country. Just recently I wrote about a recent study that purported to explain the red state divorce rate as a by-product of religious fanaticism. Well, here's a few more studies proving that we blue people are superior.
First, check out the map at this link, which shows the locations of publicly funded schools that teach creationism. There is some disturbing data there, in that the stupid appears to be infecting parts of Indiana and Ohio. I can understand Indiana, which has a redneck history from way back, but I'm hoping that Ohio will get disinfected when they throw out the tea party legislature they so improvidently elected in 2010 or thereabouts. Anyway, nice to know that Medieval thinking is alive and well- somewhere else.
But wait! Here's more data to make your chest swell as a proud blue stater, even prouder Northeasterner, and ultra-proud New Englander. Check out the map and data list here, rating the urban areas of this country by religiosity. The survey was done by a religious group, so it's probably suspect, but I'll take it. In the list, the first, so to speak, shall be last, and the last first. I.e., the truly godless, and therefore superior, are toward the bottom, and New England holds two of the bottom (remember, that means “top”) five spots, and the Hartford/New Haven area comes it at number 6! God only (well, he doesn't really) knows how Cedar Rapids, Iowa got into such august company, but they're welcome to the party. If they earned it, they deserve the glory.
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