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Another White House crime. Will the pundits yawn again?

Remember Travelgate? It was a big scandal in the Clinton years. The Clinton’s were accused of having done something to members of the White House travel office. It was never quite clear what they had done, but it provided endless grist for the media mill and a thorough Congressional investigation.

What a difference a few years and a different party in power makes. Today we learn that the White House abandoned an email preservation system that complied with the Presidential records act in favor of one that systematically destroyed emails in violation of that very act. Coincidentally, I’m sure, the period covered by this criminal behavior is the period during which, inter alia, the war in Iraq was planned and Valerie Plame’s name was leaked. How many emails are we talking about? Millions.

Would anyone care to bet on the reaction in our liberal media to this truly criminal behavior? Will it earn even half, even a quarter of the coverage that the inconsequential, meaningless, trivial Travelgate got? Will the fact that it is now clear that the White House systematically and criminally destroyed evidence of its other criminal behavior cause more than a ripple in the mainstream? Need we ask?

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