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Rubio to world: Why’s everybody always pickin’ on me?

There are a lot of asymmetries in American politics. There are many things Republicans can do that Democrats can’t. Here’s a fairly graphic example:

That’s Donald Trump, along with Rubio, Carson and Cruz, standing while they play the Star Spangled banner, or pledge to the flag, or some such thing. Notice where Donald’s hand isn’t? Imagine if Obama did the same thing. We’d never hear the end of it, and Trump would be among the loudest complainers. (Full disclosure: I’m with Trump on this one, but I’m not running for president.)

Another things Republicans get to do is whine about the way they are treated by the press. For instance, here’s Marco Rubio blaming the press for covering the fact that he’s an empty suit:

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent a fundraising email Monday that passed off New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s ® attacks on the freshman senator’s canned talking points as a controversy ginned up by the media.

The email said the media pounced on the Rubio campaign’s “building momentum” by making hay out of the fact that the senator “pointed out a few times” during Saturday’s Republican presidential debate “that President Obama has been very deliberate about achieving his bad policies.”

“This isn’t the first time the media has tried to distract people,” the email read. “We can’t afford to let the media get away with this.”

via Talking Points Memo

If Hillary whined every time the media treated her unfairly, she’d never have time for anything else, and her complaints would be well founded. See, e.g., the idiotic email “scandal”. The irony here is that Rubio forced them into it by his disastrous performance in the debate. They didn’t want to do it. He was their golden boy, the guy who was going to wrest the nomination from Cruz and Trump and keep it safe in the hands of the “moderates”, the word that is now used to describe any Republican who is not quite as crazy as the craziest Republican on offer. After all, they did their best to paint his third place showing in Iowa as a victory.

Rubio should relax. The press will come around. If Rubio doesn’t flame out in New Hampshire, he’ll still be their last best hope, so they’ll start pumping him up again. After all, who’s the alternative? Jeb!?

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