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Betting Liberally

I’ve just returned from our third Drinking Liberally. Attendance was down; I’m hoping it was because of the basketball game.

Before I retire, I must memorialize a bet that I made with another liberal drinker. I “win” the bet if the Democrats get 57 or more Senate seats after the next election and they do not strip Joe Lieberman of his committee assignments. I lose the bet if they do strip him, whether or not they get 57 or more votes. The loser and his wife take the winner and his wife to a restaurant of their choice.

That’s the bet. I would dearly love to lose, but I’m reasonably confident I’ll win, and not because I think the Dems won’t get the 57 seats.

The bet is off if McCain wins the election and he appoints Joe to some office, such as Viceroy of Iran.

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