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A little trip down memory lane

I keep a journal, in which I catalog the trivial events of my day and, since January of 2017, on most days I document some of the atrocities emanating from Washington. The app I use automatically displays entries from the same date in past years. It’s actually a good feature, since it’s sort of fun to see what you were doing on this day one, two, or three years ago. It’s not so much fun to see what the genius was doing, but it’s generally interesting to recall what, coming from anyone else, would long be remembered, but coming from the genius, had long since slid into the memory hole.

One year ago today, the genius came to New London to address the graduating cadets at the Coast Guard Academy. I noted:

In typical Trump narcissistic fashion his speech was about himself. He actually said that no politician in the history of the world “and I say this with surety” has been treated as unfairly as he. The man has no self awareness. He also talked about how hard he had to fight to get to where he was. The son of a rich man, who probably paid other people to take his tests or write his papers to get through school.

I submit that if Obama had ever said something of this sort, it would have taken longer than a year for everyone in the world to forget about it. The folks at Fox & Friends would be talking about it still. I don’t know if it is part of some conscious strategy, or just the working out of his mental illness, but Trump has hit upon a perfect way of getting away with behavior so outrageous it would be considered too laughable to put into a work of fiction. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for our media to note the anniversaries of the genius’s outrages, lest we forget. The above is just a minor star in the Trump constellation of iniquity, but it happened just across the river, so it got me thinking. We forget about these things at our peril.

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