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Friday Night Music

Not the usual this Friday night. Nothing from the 60’s.

Quite a few years ago my son and I went to see *Me and My Girl* at the Weston Theater in Vermont. We enjoyed it immensely. In my humble opinion the showstopper song is The Lambeth Walk.

I listened to the Broadway soundtrack a few days ago and it occured to me that this song is far more timely, inasmuch as it seems to make the same point as that perennial favorite of all right thinking individuals, Monty Python’s Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. At times like this, when our Republic seems doomed to go the way of that of the Romans, without even the benefit of a guy of Caesar’s stature to do the wrecking, it is helpful to keep things in perspective. We should all continue to look on the bright side, because, as, the little lady sings, “after all is done and said, pretty soon we’ll all be dead”. If that doesn’t put things in perspective, what could?

There are a lot of versions of this song on you tube, not including, unfortunately, a live version from the Broadway show starring Robert Linsday. This is the best one I could find. There’s one by a 10 year old girl; not too bad, but even I have qualms about a 10 year old singing those lines.

As a bonus, here’s The Lambeth Walk, and it is the Broadway version. A bit of the backstory. Lindsay plays a Cockney guy from London who is plucked from obscurity and made a Lord because he’s the rightful heir to a title. It takes a bit for him to adjust to his new role, and in this scene he’s giving the upper crust a lesson in how things are on the other side of the river.

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