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Is our media learning

As of late, a few hopeful signs have been springing up in the media’s coverage of the genius and his administration. They still aren’t calling a lie a lie, but they are coming ever closer. Consider this, from a story in today’s New York Timesabout a statement put out in Melania Trump’s name about the Naz-like separation of children from their parents. Melania allegedly parroted the White House line that the separation policy was mandated by law. The Times notes:

Contrary to the president’s public statements, no law requires families to necessarily be separated at the border. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s “zero tolerance” announcement this spring that the government will prosecute all unlawful immigrants as criminals set up a situation in which children are removed when their parents are taken into federal custody.

So that’s good, but on the other hand, attributing the sentiments distributed by her “office” or “spokeswoman” to Melania herself is obviously problematic. There is zero reason to believe she participates in the slightest way in drafting the statements that go out under her name. There is, in fact, every reason to believe that she is a virtual prisoner in the White House, with everything she says or does vetted by the propaganda ministry. The media should at least point out that there is no independent verification that the statements put out in her name reflects her actual sentiments, whatever they may be.

She may in fact, have no sentiments. I am not a Melania apologist. She is reaping what she sowed. There is no way she married the man for love. She wanted money, and she got it. If she’s miserable now, it’s only what she deserves. Still, in the interest of truth, the media should not pretend that these statements from her spokesperson reflect any of her actual views. At this point, mendacity on the part of this administration should be assumed, until there is clear and convincing evidence to the contrary.

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