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Rant of the Day

Today in my mail (of the snail variety) I got a missive from Elizabeth Warren, asking me to donate money to the DCCC. It went right to the trash, but let me say a word about this.

The DCCC has done its best to squash any local candidate who comes from what might be called the progressive wing of the Democratic Party (defined, roughly, as anyone who holds the same beliefs as a typical 1960s Democrat). See, here, for example. This is the wing of the Party to which Senator Warren belongs, so it is rather mystifying that she would lend her name to the DCCC. Apparently, that organization feels no qualms about raising money from us, while stiffing us at every turn. It’s what the Republicans thought what they could do with their base, so, if there is any justice, we’ll take the same revenge on our party as the racist yahoos took on theirs, the difference being that we’re actually interested in doing things that help people.

Senator Warren may be unaware of the DCCC’s hostility to the Democratic base, but if she is unaware, then shame on her. If she is aware, then even more shame on her.

Perhaps this has something to do with presidential ambitions. For my own part, fondly do I hope, fervently do I pray (not really, I don’t believe in God) that we will not have a Bernie, an Elizabeth, or a Joe to contend with in 2020. We really don’t need a septuagenarian leading the charge against the addle brained, senile septuagenarian we already have, regardless of his or her progressive bona fides (or, in Joe’s case, their almost complete absence). While I’m at it, scratch the loathsome chameleon Kristin off the list too.

After the 2012 election, I predicted (I have witnesses to this) that the Republicans would nominate a base satisfying whackjob in 2016 instead of the “moderate” they always managed to sneak by the racists and yahoos in the past. I wish I could predict that the Democrats would nominate someone in 2020 that would appeal to their base, but that’s a long shot. The thing is, the stuff our progressive candidates stand for are widely popular, and properly run, a campaign by one of them could win. But odds are good that the party elders (and I do mean elders) will circle the wagons and impose someone on us who stands for nothing other than not being Donald Trump.

End of rant.

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