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A good idea! From a Democrat!

This is a good idea! And from a Democrat!

Former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm has a rather brilliant idea for the Democrats to move around the Republican majority’s attempt to protect Brett Kavanaugh.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s attorneys have negotiated an appearance to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee for Thursday, but the GOP majority has determined that only Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh will be able to speak, that there will be no other witnesses or investigation brought forward.

So Granholm, on the panel of CNN’s State of the Union, suggests that the Democrats arrange to have other witnesses and testimony be given a platform on a show–like State of the Union, to make sure the American people have all the information that the Republicans are keeping from them.

Unfortunately, the Democrats don’t have their own television network, like the Republicans, but I think they’d be able to pull something like this off with decent coverage (even if only streaming) if they did it. It is crystal clear at this point that Kavanaugh is lying, and that the Republicans are conspiring with him to cover for him.

There is a wealth on information on line that leads one to the inescapable conclusion that the Republicans knew this claim was coming, and that they prepared for it by coming up with risible defenses and by preparing, of course, to slime Ford. Restricting the hearing to a he said-she said debate is part of that strategy. We can only hope that the Democrats (there are at least three skilled litigators on the committee) are aware of all these issues and are prepared to explore them with Kavanaugh and, if possible, to present the case just as Granholm suggests.

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