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Friday Night Music, a bit topical

The Very Stable Genius has to be considered the very acme of liars, lying even when he has no need to, so he certainly puts Brett Kavanaugh in the shade. But, Brett is still up there, since, yesterday, almost every word he uttered was a lie or a statement meant to misdirect. The atrocities are documented elsewhere. I would just submit that in my humble opinion there’s enough to warrant a perjury charge when next we take the White House. That saves the time and trouble of an impeachment, and avoids the impossibility of getting the majority needed in the Senate to convict.

Anyway, I originally intended to try to find *Liar, Liar*, by the Castaways. I ultimately rejected that, because the available videos of that are fairly crappy, and, anyway, in the song, it’s the girl that’s the liar. But I stumbled on *Liar*, by Queen, and it seems perfect. Queen came along just as I was tuning out the most current stuff, so I had never heard this before, but it’s not bad, and I think we can all imagine that good Catholic boy Brett will be running to the confessional tomorrow (the confessionals were open Saturday afternoon at Our Lady of Sorrows, and I think it’s like that everywhere) to get his slate wiped clean. Now, the priest should actually require him to divest himself of his ill gotten gains. Brett should be saying, to paraphrase Hamlet’s uncle:

Then I’ll look up
My fault is past.
But, O, what form of prayer
Can serve my turn? ‘Forgive me my foul lies’?
That cannot be; since I am still possess’d
Of those effects for which I told the lies,
My robes, mine own ambition and my entitlement.
May one be pardon’d and retain the offence?

But, he’ll get off with a few Hail Mary’s and an Our Father or two, so “all may be well”.

Anyway, here’s Queen

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