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A year ago today

I keep a journal on my Ipad, and every day it displays entries from previous years. Besides chronicling my own boring life I’ve been making note of the doings of the very stable genius. Among other things I noted the following a year ago. The quotes in the entry below are from some internet source; I failed to insert a link in the journal, which I usually do. Anyway take my word they were written by someone at the time, and given the subject, it hardly matters who:

Finally, it what can only be considered a Supreme Irony, it looks like there may be an actual Benghazi lurking in the Niger episode, where four servicemen got killed. Of course it will come out only over the dead bodies of several Republican Congresspeople, but in fact, that may happen (figuratively):

Let’s get back to the real issue: What happened to those troops in Niger, and why isn’t the administration talking about it? Just like in Benghazi, terrible things happen. Trump’s refusal to address it may indicate something else — or it may simply represent his inability to accept responsibility for anything that isn’t a victory.

And McCain, who has nothing to lose, and may be looking to burnish his reputation, doesn’t appear to want to let it go:

Even Defense Secretary James Mattis and Sen. John McCain, chair of the Senate’s Armed Forces Committee, don’t have the clarity they want.

When asked whether the Trump administration was being up front about the ambush in southwest Niger on Oct. 4, McCain issued a blunt “no” on Wednesday. […] “We deserve to have all the information.”

He’s talking subpoenas. There are rumors about Russian involvement in the operation. If we were carrying water for the Russians that could be explosive, since it could be perceived as a payoff, a perception that would probably be true.

Can you say Benghazi?

You can’t blame McCain for not following up; he was a dying man. But no one followed up, and the entire incident disappeared down the memory hole, along with so much of the other criminality of the current administration. A prediction: a year from now the fact that the current administration countenanced the murder of a journalist who was an American resident will be entirely forgotten.

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