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The election is over, time to complain about Democrats again

So, today there was this:

Sunday marks 100 years since the end of World War I, the supposed “war to end all wars” that caused the deaths of tens of millions of soldiers and civilians.

Leaders from across the globe are in France to commemorate the centennial. German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined French President Emmanuel Macron at the site of Germany’s 1918 surrender on Saturday. British Prime Minister Theresa May and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also honored the fallen.

President Donald Trump, who departed for Paris on Friday, was also scheduled to visit a cemetery that contains the remains of thousands of U.S. troops who were killed in World War I.

That is, until there was a chance of rain.

Trump and First Lady Melania Trump cancelled their Saturday plans to honor Americans who were killed in service to their country due to the weather.

Bear in mind that the whole point of his trip was to commemorate the end of the First World War.

Here, I must pause, and repeat yet again that rhetorical question: What would have happened had Obama done something similar? We all know what would have happened, as surely as we know that Obama would never have done anything similar, though the folks at Fox may have made something up implying that he did.

Do you remember Clinton fatigue? It was a real thing, and probably cost Al Gore the 2000 election. People simply grew tired of the endless attacks on the man, and despite the fact that they may not have believed any given attack,in the end there was a pervasive feeling that they wanted to leave him behind, and Al Gore paid the price. So did Hillary, years later.

Here we have a so called president who couldn’t be bothered to “support the troops” because he didn’t want to deal with a light rain. Instead, as I understand it, he’s spent his time tweeting and watching Fox. Since this is yet another example of Trump being Trump, the media will forget it after tomorrow, approximately 364 days sooner than they would have forgotten it (if they forgot it at all) had Obama done it. Why the longer memories in the case of Obama, or any Democrat for that matter? In large part because the Republicans would never allow anyone to forget. They would mount sustained, coordinated attacks. They mounted such attacks constantly against both Clinton and Obama, usually mendaciously. The Democrats would have the luxury of mounting attacks that were based on actual (as opposed to alternate) facts. But they won’t do it. It’s true that they don’t have their own TV network, so it would be a bit harder for them than for the Republicans, but they could still pound this, as well as multiple other issues, harder than they will. The Republican methods for manipulating the press and public opinion are out there for everyone to see. 

It wouldn’t hurt for the Democrats to do all they can to exacerbate the Trump fatigue that has, with virtually no help from the organized Democratic Party, set in wherever rational people reside. If that means stealing from the Republican playbook, then steal they should.

But they won’t.

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