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How do these idiots rise to the surface?

Okay, I guess if you run a propaganda network, you’ll give a forum to anyone. Here’s a person who has a columnin the New York Post, who’s invited on to Fox to talk about his suggestion that Trump supporters pay for the wall by starting a GoFundMe campaign:

Trump surrogates in the conservative media are so desperate to get a border war built so Hair Leader doesn’t look like a con artist (he does), that they are stumping Trump voters to chip in $80 apiece so they could fund the wall themselves.

Isn’t Mexico supposed to pay for Donald Trump’s border wall? Didn’t Donald Trump campaign on that proposition to the American people?

Michael Goodwin calls for Trump supporters to start a GoFundMe page in today’s NY Post.

Let the people who support the wall pay for it — directly and voluntarily. That’s what a number of readers suggest.–

“If the 63 million people who voted for Trump each pledge $80, we can build the wall.”

And as usual, a Trump supporter in the media who writes something that might help their petulant lordship, immediately got the call to be a guest on Fox and Friends.

This guy is an idiot, and he has a column in a (relatively) major newspaper and is allowed to bloviate on what is, alas, a major “news” network. I suppose it’s too much to expect such folks to address a rather fundamental issue here. Even ifyou raised all the money you’d need, you’d have no right to build the wall. It has to be authorized by Congress and you would need the capability to exercise the power of eminent domain to seize the land on which you built it. There are, in fact, a lot of property owners on the border who would prefer to keep their land as is, thank you very much.

The eminent domain issue isn’t discussed much in this context. Right wingers don’t like eminent domain. Supposedly. Witness the reaction from the right (all the way to the Supreme Court about the little pink house) when New London used eminent domain to facilitate a project that was supposed to bring jobs to the city. The city made the mistake of believing a major corporation, but that’s another issue. Of course, right wing hypocrisy knows no bounds, so we can rest assured that there would be no squawks from that quarter if the government seized border land to build a useless wall, so long as they could hate them some brown people in the process.

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