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Thanks for thinking of us, Tim

Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan is running for president. I know this because among other emails touting him, I got one from Mike Morley, someone who I’m sure is someone, who assures me that Tim has got what it takes:

Failed leadership and broken promises from the White House have made things much worse for everyone — from farmers in the Midwest to autoworkers here in the Rust Belt. Two years ago, people who felt abandoned by Washington and overlooked by our government embraced a con artist who told them what they wanted to hear. But in the end, it was all talk.

I guess the only people within the set of “everyone” eat in diners in the Midwest and voted for Trump. We people who, you know, actually vote for Democrats don’t qualify. And who know that the country was bounded on one side by the Midwest, and another by the Rust Belt, which in my ignorance I always thought was largely in the Midwest.

Ryan is the guy who considered running for Speaker of the House against Pelosi from the right. It just wasn’t enough, apparently, that she handed the DCCC over to the Blue Dogs. Generally speaking, he’s terrible, and is a loyal member of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. There’s a lot of deluded thinking within the Beltway; one of the prime delusions being the belief that Democratic voters are yearning for a candidate who is a “centrist” skilled at mouthing platitudes that translate into a promise to do absolutely nothing worth doing. 

There is a surplus of such candidates in the mix now. See, e.g., Corey Booker, and, most likely, Joe Biden. The danger is that one of them will float to the top because the good candidates split the plurality of the primary votes. If that happens, Ryan won’t be the piece of crap that floats to the top, so maybe his candidacy is a good thing, as it may siphon votes away from someone more likely to pull it off.

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