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You can’t get much more impeachable than this

When the genius first moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue I stated my intention of making note of each impeachable offense as it occurred. This proved impossible, since at the time I was a working person and couldn’t possibly keep up. My intentions were good. The spirit was willing, etc.

Anyway, it is only right and just that I make note of what must be the most blatant, out in the open impeachable offense every committed by the person holding the office Trump present holds:

Have we crossed over into impeachment territory yet? If reports from CNN are true, Donald Trump promised a pardon to the head of CBP if he broke the law by keeping asylum seekers out of the country.

CNN is reporting that during a visit to Calexico, California last week Trump told border agents to block asylum seekers from entering the United States, a violation of immigration law. It is obvious Trump knows this is illegal, because he promised the head of CBP, Kevin McAleenan, that if he ended up in jail for breaking the law, Trump would pardon him.

If true, and you know that it is, our so called President has ascended (from his personal baseline) to the level of a Mafia capo. Other presidents have engaged in cover ups, but he’s out in the open assuring his flunkeys that he’ll take care of them if they get caught committing the crimes he’s ordering them to commit. He’s not covering up, he’s engaging in criminal behavior out in the open. I guess he does believe in transparency after all.

It’s almost enough (well, no, it really isn’t) to make you feel sorry for Republicans like Lindsay Graham, who will now have to come up with reasons why it’s perfectly okay for a president to encourage criminal behavior with assurances that he’ll abuse the powers of his office by pardoning the malefactors. I’m sure Lindsay is up to it, though. I never was a McCain fan, but if I believed in ghosts I’d be sure that McCain would be starting to haunt Lindsay right about now.

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