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A challenge for the Democrats

It appears that polling is looking very bad for the genius. He loses against everyone. 

So, this brings us to the perennial question:

How can the Democrats blow it and drive the final nail into the coffin of the American Republic?

There are a number of approaches they can take.

They can nominate a candidate who will inspire zero enthusiasm among young voters, thereby suppressing turnout in that demographic.

They can nominate a candidate who has a history of taking anti-abortion positions and who has advocated denying contraceptive coverage for women while Obamacare was being fashioned.

They can nominate a candidate who is delusional and believes the Republicans will have a come to Jesus moment if they lose an election. You know, like they had in 2008 and 2012.

They can nominate a candidate whose platform consists of “centrist” nostrums designed to perpetuate the status quo of gross inequality and worker powerlessness. You know, the kind of guy who makes a billionaire like Howard Schultz secure in the knowledge that the plutocrats have nothing to fear and he has no need to revive his quixotic candidacy. Maybe even the kind of guy that might give the Koch Brothers additional incentive to invest in perverting the Democratic Party.

They can nominate a candidate who is prone to saying stupid things, knowing that the press can’t stop itself from obsessing about a Democratic gaffe while looking the other way when the genius allows that he’d probably commit more crimes if it would help him win an election.

They can nominate a candidate who, even if he wins, will give the Republicans all the ammunition they need to sweep in 2022 and return to absolute, and likely permanent, power in 2024.

Can they find such a candidate? It’s a tall order, but I think they can do it. In fact, I think the troops are lining up behind him and the press is busy anointing him. Can that candidate win anyway? Maybe. I’d vote for him, but then, I’d vote for Tim Ryan or Seth Moulton if my choice were between one of them and the genius. It’s not the people that vote who will decide the next election. It’s the people who stay home.

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