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Really, this should stop

Donald Trump wants tanks rolling through the streets of Washington on the Fourth of July. He envies his pal in North Korea, and he wants the tanks as a tribute to himself. That is the long and short of it. Anyone who tells you different is lying.

In the print edition of this morning’s New York Times, this articleabout the tanks bears the following subtitle: Pride and discomfort over a homage to the military

It is not a homage to the military. Everyone with a brain knows that. You have to get deep into the article before you finally get to someone stating the obvious, and even then the point is not made that this is all about Trump and his ego.

Trump and the Republican Party have all but declared that the rules don’t apply to them. Well, actually some of them have declared it, just ask Kellyanne Conway if the Hatch Act applies to her

The media can’t play by the old rules, because the Republicans aren’t playing by them. It may have been okay to pretend to believe an obvious lie back in days of yore, but it’s dangerous these days. It’s time for the media to start calling things for what they are. In this case, it’s Trump wanting to be dictator for a day. You know, sort of a warm up for the future. A future, by the way, that the media helps deliver when it gives the least amount of credence to his lies.

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