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Back from the shadows again

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, as I am on vacation in the wilds of Vermont, going to the same places we go every year. Once again, we went to the Hapgood “Eatery” in Peru (that would be the Peru in Vermont, just down the road from the Bromley ski area), and once again, Paul McCartney failed to show his face. He was there years ago. I know that because his picture is on the wall, and the menu notes that he had the vegetarian pizza. But apparently he avoids the place when we’re there.

Enough carping. I have barely been following the news, but I know it has followed a predictable course. Robert Mueller has testified, and he confirmed that Trump is a crook, but much of the media just yawns, because it’s old news. It was all in his report, which is quite true, except when the report came out, they didn’t bother to read it and report its substance. Yada, yada.

Anyway, enough has been written about Mueller, and it does look like the Democrats are looking to conduct a well timed impeachment inquiry, to give the impeachment vote maximum political impact, while rendering the Senate’s verdict an after-election afterthought.

At least we can hope that’s the thinking.

A few random observations.

While we are distracted by the Trump’s criminality, our corporate overlords continue to reap the benefits of that criminality. The now almost totally corrupt Justice Department has okayed the T-Mobile/Sprint merger, the result, in part, of T-Mobile’s excessive patronage of Trump’s hotels. The U.S. already has pretty horrible cellular service, in comparison to other developed countries, but we can now look forward to even worse service at even higher prices. This, of course, has taken place largely under the radar.

On to Moscow Mitch. It is a fact, though not widely bandied about, that McConnell has been the beneficiary of Moscow’s largess, and has done good service for his puppet masters, such as when he prevented Obama from warning of Russian attempts to tamper with our election. He has, in the last few days, prevented the Senate from taking up elections that might prevent a replay of 2016, something Mueller warned about in his testimony. This is only to be expected, of course. So far as Republicans are concerned, all’s fair if it helps them get elected. The preservation of a republican form of government (when it has a small “r” it bears no relationship to the capitalized version) is not a priority. In fact, the destruction of republican forms is a feature, not a bug. This morning, as I understand from Crooks & Liars, Joe Scarborough spent 15 minutes excoriating “Moscow Mitch”. It hardly needs saying that the Democrats will not pick up on this, though they should. Repetition is key, something the Democrats never seem to get. If they keep repeating that phrase, particularly since it is well grounded in fact, they might just be able to at least get him to back down on letting the Russians steal the next election, and they would, in any event, plant something in the public mind that would spill over from the already loathed Mitch to his Republican enablers. But alas, that is not to be. This too will be forgotten in a few days, because the Democrats will allow it to be.

Time to return to vacation mode.

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