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It’s easy to see when they’re afraid

It’s easy to see when the right wing is afraid of someone. They start engaging in hysterical attacks. We saw it with AOC, we’ve seen it with Elizabeth Warren, and we haven’t seen it with Joe Biden. I’m not talking about digging up dirt, I’m talking about crazy. 

So all hail Greta Thunberg, who has managed to attract the ire of trump apologist Michael Knowles, (who referred to her as mentally ill), Laura Ingraham,(who compared her to characters in a Stephen King film, earning Laura the twittered wrath of her own brother), and Dinesh D’Souza (who compared her to a Nazi because he found a Nazi poster with a braided girl on it).

They don’t fear them because they disagree with her and their other targets merely because they disagree with them. They fear them because they recognize what the Democratic establishment doesn’t: that they present a clear and present danger to the right.

A bit off the topic, but I can’t wait until Greta gets her peace prize. The Trump tweets will be hugely entertaining.

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