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No chess player he

I believe I’ve noted in the past that the genius is no chess player, being totally incapable of thinking more than one move ahead. Nothing proves this more than his relentless attempts to destroy Joe Biden, who he obviously sees as his probable opponent in 2020, because that’s what he’s told by Fox News and/or the conventional wisdom. 

It has apparently never occurred to him that he would be far better off having Biden as an opponent than almost any of the other Democrats with a reasonable chance of getting the nomination. This would require thinking a move or so ahead.

At the very least he should have withheld fire until Biden got the nomination, if he ever does. In the meantime, he should be doing all he can, surreptitiously of course, to assure that Biden is the eventual nominee. At the moment he is diminishing Biden’s chance of being the nominee (or trying to) when it is in his interest (looking more than one move ahead) to enhance those chances.

For Joe is the Democratic equivalent of Jeb Bush, the Democrat most likely to be incapable of responding to the schoolyard bullying tactics Trump deployed against his Republican rivals in 2016. Joe has proven over and over that he is stuck in time, sometime in the 1970s, and is incapable of dealing with the political tactics that will be unleashed on him should he capture the nomination. The same cannot be said for Elizabeth Warren, the likely alternative, who has proven her ability to deftly counter attacks. (Example here)

If we’re lucky, Trump’s tactics will hurt himself (his poll numbers are sinking faster than the Titanic) and Biden, leaving us with a candidate who will not only know how to deal with Trump in the weakened state he will be in as a result of impeachment revelations, but who will also eschew Biden’s program of assuring the plutocrats that “nothing will fundamentally change”. If it’s one thing this country needs, it’s fundamental change. It’s not a sure thing, but it may be that Trump’s inability to think strategically may deliver the country into the hands of a progressive.

We can always hope.

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