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Is this a Quid Pro Quo I see?

It’s not illegal I guess, because it’s a Republican doing it, but I’d be willing to bet that the sainted Founding Fathers would consider it an impeachable offense:

Donald Trump is showering potential jurors with campaign cash ahead of a possible Senate impeachment trial.

As Politico reported on Wednesday, Trump is “rewarding senators who have his back on impeachment” by sending out a fundraising email to benefit “a handful of loyal senators facing tough reelection bids in 2020.” The email raised money for Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Cory Gardner (R-CO), and Thom Tillis (R-NC).

All three senators joined a senate resolution led by Sen. Lindsey Graham condemning the House impeachment inquiry.

Poor Susan Collins can’t get on the gravy train because the people of Maine really hate them some Donald Trump, and his help would be the kiss of death for her, which it may be for some of the others, if the Democrats play their cards right. (But do the Democrats ever play their cards right?)

But Susan need not worry about money, for the right is funneling plenty of money into her campaign, though I wonder how much good it will do. Maine is a small state, and there’s only so many commercials you can buy and I’m not sure a smear campaign against Sara Gideon will work that well, and once Gideon gets the nomination she will get all that Kavanaugh related cash. Here’s hoping that Susan will soon have something more to be “disappointed” about.

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