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They just can’t help themselves

Let me start out by stating the obvious: I’m no fan of John Bolton’s. Still, it seems as if Bolton has stuff to say about the genius that the genius might rather we not hear, so, as they say, the enemy of my enemy is (at least temporarily) my friend. But as anyone following events knows, Bolton has been playing games about testifying. Today this happened:

Bolton re-emerged on Twitter this week and charged that his absence was due to the White House refusing to return access to his Twitter account.

Last night, Fox Business host Lou Dobbs lobbed a softball to Press Secretary (and obvious liar) Stephanie Grisham that all but asked her to shoot down Bolton’s accusation: “Ambassador Bolton today, with this nonsense about Twitter, wanting his dedicated, you know, handle. That was never in the possession of the White House, was it?

So, naturally Grisham did what she always does: she lied (or misled) and said that:

Somebody who is of an advanced age may not understand that all you have to do is contact Twitter and reset your password if you’ve forgotten it. So I’ll just leave it at that.

As the linked article goes on to state:

Bolton had turned over control of his account to the White House. He was no longer able to access that account shortly after tweeting his accusation that Trump had lied about firing him. According to the Times, the White House had evidently changed his password and verifying email address.

Starting a new account was possible of course, but he had almost a million followers on the old one (don’t ask me why) so you can see why he would want to keep it.

Now, here’s what I don’t understand. If someone has dirt on you, and you’d rather they keep it to themselves, wouldn’t it make sense to go out of your way not to get them mad at you by calling him a senile old man? What exactly is the upside for Grisham or for Trump in provoking Bolton now?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she did it. Anything that prods Bolton into driving another nail into the coffin is fine by me. Still, it makes you wonder if everyone over at the White House flunked psychology 101. 

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