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Operation theocracy heating up

This is something that, so far as I am currently aware, is at least currently passing pretty much under the radar, as are so many heinous things from the current administration.

President Donald Trump plans to introduce new guidance for expanding “constitutional prayer” in public schools.

According to CBS News broadcaster Steven Portnoy, Trump’s schedule for Thursday includes an announcement about “guidance on constitutional prayer in public schools.”

The details of Trump’s guidance were not immediately available but the president is on record suggesting that he wants to expand prayer in public schools under the guise of First Amendment rights.

Let’s put aside the fact that there is no first amendment right to say prayers in public schools, except to one’s self, though there’s a more than even chance that the present Supreme Court, if invited to do so, will find such a right for Christian prayers, though this new First Amendment right will likely not apply to Muslims, atheists, Pastafarians, or Wiccan type whackjobs. Let’s also put aside, at least for the most part, the stunning hypocrisy of this, coming from a man who clearly has no religious beliefs whatsoever, unless you call a deep and abiding faith in one’s own infallibility a religious belief. 

The impetus for this has nothing to do with religion, except in the sense that the religious sheen is part of the scam. This is all about further dividing the nation and manufacturing another issue with which the Republicans can distract the base whose votes they need to hand the country over to the plutocrats. If that means giving the country a bit of a theocratic veneer, then so be it. Divisive politics has worked for the Republicans, as they’ve been wildly successful at getting a huge swath of the electorate to vote against their own interests, and it will continue to work, especially while Democrats refuse to accept that we are in a political war that we can’t win by being nice to the opposition.

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