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Another blast from the past

I’ve mentioned before that I keep a diary on my Ipad, in which I’ve tried, along with my own pathetically dull life, to chronicle the day to day developments related to the Orange menace. Four years ago the New Hampshire primary had just taken place, and I wrote this:

In other news, there’s no other news, except that the consensus seems to be that Rubio is history. As for Kasich, who came in second, he is now in Bush’s crosshairs. Kasich has no money, so it’s not clear there’s an upside for him in the future. It is interesting how they are forming a circular firing squad, with Trump lobbing projectiles from the outside. They’re scared to take him on, and when they try, they fall flat.

It just occurred to me that there were probably German diarists half laughing at Hitler when he was on his way up. It’s a dangerous time.

They’re still scared of him, and would rather have a Hitler than take him on.

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