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Friday Night Music returns, if a bit of a bummer

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted what was once a regular Friday night feature, but today I stumbled on this Paul Simon video and I couldn’t resist.

I remember when this song came out. I though it was great, and that it perfectly caught the tenor of the times. Who would have thought that almost fifty years on every line would still be relevant, except moreso. Back then, the road we were traveling on seemed all wrong, but there was still hope that we could get back to the country in which “we lived so well so long”. Those times, I fear, are past. Today we got a postcard from the Center for Disease Control giving us President Trump’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America. As one might expect, it is full of health tips, most if not all of which Trump himself has disavowed or disregarded. But it is proof that our bureacracy, whether willingly or unwillingly, is now prisoner to an unprecedented cult of personality. It would surprise me not at all to learn that the postcard could only be sent if it included this obeisance to Dear Leader. I don’t believe that any other president has ever tried to institute such a personality cult before. Like all the other daily outrages, this one too will go virtually unremarked.

The Republic may not survive our current travails. Say this for the Roman Republic, at least it was brought down by a man of substance, who could both read and write. When the obituary for the American Republic is written, it is quite likely it will be noted that it was brought down by a snake oil salesman.

Anyway, here it is, Paul Simon singing American Tune.

When I watched it this morning it was followed by a promo for a right wing propaganda youtube station. We are surrounded by forces trying to destroy our nation.

UPDATE: A new low in sychophancy. A person with a medical degree alleges with a straight face that the genius is able to both read and understand scientific literature.

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