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If you made this up people would think you were crazy

Many years ago Tom Tomorrow inked a good cartoon, in which he posited that George W., Dick Cheney, et. al., were a bunch of leftists who figured they could destroy the Republican Party from within by governing in a manner so obviously bad that people would turn en masse to the Democrats.

What brings this to mind is the current election campaign by the incumbent who I shall not bother to name. If you were to write a dark comedy, in which that group of leftists was in power during a plague, they could not have done worse than follow the genius’s playbook in order to assure overwhelming defeat. Such a comedy would go nowhere, because it would have been considered far too implausible.

The latest atrocity is yet another example of what appears to be a deliberate attempt to get even the most stupid Americans to vote Democratic for a change. The genius and Cruella de Ville Betsy Devos are threatening to defund schools unless children are forced to put their own health, and that of their teachers at risk, to say nothing of the health of those back home. I’m sure that many parents are in a terrible fix trying to make ends meet and take care of home bound children, but it goes without saying that they’d rather deal with a bad situation, which could be made much easier for them by truly enlightened governmental action, than risk their children’s health. Given that the genius’s grades for handling the pandemic are already in the tank, how does it make sense for him and his lackeys to once again dismiss the experts and make pronouncements that are transparently all about winning an election.

And there’s the conundrum, isn’t it? It is clear as day that these things are being done because the genius thinks they’ll help him in the election, yet it’s also clear as day that they serve only to harden the attitudes of a large national majority that has decided not to vote for him under any circumstances. The school issue is not an isolated example. Every move he has made in response to the pandemic has been a transparent attempt to improve his electoral prospects, and not a single one has done so. Sometimes I suspect that the stable genius isn’t stable or a genius.