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Sounds familiar

Yet another sign of hope, assuming of course that they can’t steal the election:

Brian Kilmeade gave hope to worried Trump supporters.

“But of people who believe that Donald Trump will be successful they talk about a secret vote, the underground vote because if you wear are a red hat or bumper sticker on your car you’re open to derision, maybe physical visit attacks so people keep their mouths shut,” Kilmeade told viewers. “There’s a lot of people who believe there’s underground support for the president.”

Co-host Steve Doocy then took over and ranted about how reliable the polls are with this new “secret voter” information.

This is what they do when they’re behind and they know it. Remember back in 2012 when a guy with no credentials convinced the Republican world that the polls showing Obama was ahead were “skewed”, and Romney was really heading toward victory? This is a repeat of that. I’m not quite sure what purpose it serves for the Republicans, but maybe Fox thinks it’s good for ratings. Anyway, the fact that they’re beating this drum tells you they think the cause is lost.

Of course, if they can, they’ll steal it, but they may not be able to do so if current trends continue.