These are hard times for part time bloggers like me. There’s an outrage an hour, but, for the most part, there’s nothing new to say about any given outrage, and how many times can you make the inevitable observation that had Obama committed said outrage it’s shelf life in the mainstream would have been longer than the hour or so that a Trump story lasts.
Anyway, a few thoughts on Trump’s latest self reported triumph.
Before getting there, a few preliminary thoughts. There is a lot of legitimate debate about whether Trump is mentally ill and/or stupid and/or senile, or alternatively a crafty political genius who knows how to manipulate the electorate. There’s a lot of truth in the first three, and a little bit of truth in the last, as he’s been a successful grifter all his life and he can still feed his base the red meat they like, though he doesn’t understand that he can’t win with the base alone. But, as to stupidity, well that’s a no-brainer.
We all know that Trump’s campaign has made much of the fact that he’s been nominated for the Noble (sic) Peace Prize by a rightwing Scandinavian, a nomination that will go nowhere. It is to be fervently hoped that when Greta Thunberg gets it, we will not have to be too smugly satisfied, as Trump will be pouting about his loss as someone about to exit stage right, and off to jail at that.
So, we all know about the “Noble” Prize, but how many of us knew that, as he recently announced, he has already taken home the non-existent yet much coveted “Bay of Pigs” Award. Read all about it here. This is where he totally makes the case for his own stupidity. And yet, ironically, it’s an award, if it did exist, of which he would be totally worthy, given his record in office. The Bay of Pigs was a minor glitch compared to his disastrous presidency. But even here, we must pause. JFK took full responsibility for the Bay of Pigs disaster, though truth to tell, the planning began under Eisenhower. Trump has never taken responsibility for anything, except things he claimed happened, but didn’t.
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