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Yet another post about weak Democrats

A day or so ago Little Marco tweeted out how outraged he was that Biden aide Jen O’Malley Dillon called Republicans “fuckers” in an interview in Glamour magazine.

Before I go on, let me be clear that the source of his outrage was not the fact that some Republicans are not fuckers at all, such as Mike Pence and the genius (at least if Melania has anything to say about it). No, this was yet another example of a Republican consumed by faux outrage over something that pales in comparison to the sort of thing that Republicans do all the time.

Now, this is the part of the post where I would ordinarily start ranting about the fact that Democrats will remain in their defensive crouch, and utter not a word about the totally hypocrisy of a Trump loving Republican complaining about such insults. But let me defer that for a moment, because there is actually, or at least possibly, a possibility that there’s something happening here from another part of the political eco-system. So I’ll defer the rant about Democrats for a while.

Rubio tweeted out his outrage, so it goes without saying that he got a lot of responsive tweets pointing out his hypocrisy in various ways, but what’s even more encouraging is that some media types are beginning to call out the Republican hypocrisy. Some examples here and here. It is at least possible that after 4 years of being browbeaten by Republicans, many in the media have decided that they might as well tell it like it is, rather than play the both sidism game. We’ll have to see if that continues, but the pushback to Marco is at least somewhat encouraging.

Now, on to the rant. It has been reported that some in Biden’s inner circle are very concerned about Dillon’s comments. That is unfortunately typical of establishment Democrats. Whether they are actually concerned or not, they felt it incumbent upon themselves to leak that they were concerned. Yet another example of the failure on the part of a substantial number of Democrats to learn the lessons of the past 40 years. The proper response, of course, is to laugh at Rubio and his ilk, while noting that they’re the ones that are always calling Democrats snowflakes. The Democrats who get it are still far and few between, AOC and her compatriots being the rare exceptions. This country may never recover from the fact that Obama failed to stomp on the Republicans when he truly had them down at the start of his first term, instead handing Republican “moderates” veto power over the stimulus plan and the health care bill, both of which emerged weaker and more compromised that if he had just done what needed doing and had it rammed through Congress the way McConnell has rammed through everything he has wanted. If,as the Axios article to which I’ve linked states, Biden’s advisers really think they’ll be able to work with Republicans they are living in a fool’s paradise. The Republicans are already hard at work trying to destroy the economy, after which they will make it impossible for Biden to fix it, assuming 1) the Republicans maintain control of the Senate, or 2) Democrats take the Senate but allow Republicans to filibuster. The Democrats inability to respond to Little Marco’s outrage with derision is merely emblematic of their larger problem of somehow believing that the relationship between the parties is what it was in the 1960’s.

End of rant.

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