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Are they really this crazy, or just playing crazy for the press?

I just got finished reading this post at Crooks & Liars, and my mind is truly boggled. The post is a sort of a state by state summary of the extent to which the nutcases have taken over state and local party organizations. But this is what struck me as the craziest thing of all:

“The Republican Party right now is relatively divided, but it’s not the traditional ideological divisions that used to be in place, as much as it’s between the sane and insane wings of the party,” RightWisconsin editor James Wigderson told the Madison Capital Times. “I think that there’s a chance of a real fracture coming.”

Establishment Republicans such as former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, however, defended the Trumpists for their paranoia and embrace of partisan disinformation: “That is the perspective they have, that is the view that they have and it’s valid; you can’t say someone’s opinion of a subjective matter is invalid,” she said. “I mean, what gives us the right to judge someone’s opinion like that?”

Where do you even start? Of course Kleefisch is obviously a hypocrite, as I would be willing to bet my life savings that she’d have no trouble arguing that the opinion of a Democrat is invalid, be it objective or subjective. But it’s just the monumental stupidity of it, the pretzel twisted illogic, that leaves you wondering how anyone could be stupid enough to volunteer such a statement instead of simply having no comment.

These folks set out to create a monster that would vote against its interest to keep them in power. It worked for a while, but now the monster is demanding that they work for it rather than solely for their corporate and evangelical masters. This only ends in fascism if it isn’t stopped, and there’s no one in the Republican Party interested in stopping it.

Postscript: Just for the record, I came up with the monster analogy in the last paragraph (not original, I know) before running into the article to which I’ve linked in that paragraph. Give it a read, it’s fun.

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