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Nice Work if you can get it

Gordon Sondland is suing Mike Pompeo for 1.8 million dollars:

Gordon Sondland, the former U.S. ambassador to the European Union who was fired by Donald Trump after his explosive impeachment inquiry testimony against the then-president, is reportedly suing former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for $1.8 million in unpaid legal costs from that probe. The Washington Post reports the lawsuit claims that Pompeo promised Sondland that the State Department would pick up his fees ahead his November 2019 testimony—but then reneged on that offer after Sondland testified that there was a “quid pro quo” with Ukraine and declared: “We followed the president’s orders.”

Given the identity of the defendant, I wish him well, but as a former practicing lawyer, now blessedly retired but still legally qualified to practice law, I must admit to a certain amount of jealousy. At $1,000.00 an hour, it would take 1800 hours to rack up a bill for $1,800,000.00. To put that in more perspective, 1800 is forty five 40 hour weeks. And that assumes an hourly rate that, I am abashed to say, exceeded my own rate by several 100 percents. The bill for this one client exceeded my total earnings for a significant number of years.

I have to take my hat off to the law firm that represented this guy. It would seem, just based on what I know of course, that the work involved would consist mostly of advising the guy to tell the truth, going over the likely testimony, and assembling whatever documentation you might think is relevant. If Sondland can justify paying $1,800,000.00 for the legal representation he needed, imagine what Rudy would be asking for if he could ever get Trump to spring for his legal fees, as he has demanded. Again, I’m just a country lawyer, but my guess is that the hours his lawyers will spend defending those libel cases, not to mention his criminal cases, will be one or two orders of magnitude greater than the Sondland lawyers racked up.

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