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A curmudgeon curmudgeons

Is it just me? Am I the only one infuriated by this sort of thing?

Today, yet again I read about a anti-vax idiot responsible for the death of someone who could not protect themself:

Another infuriating story about the unvaccinated harming those around them. Or at least this is what this looks like. Little Kali Cook was just four years old. She hadn’t been in preschool since September 1, because her unvaccinated mother had contracted COVID. Just hours after being diagnosed, Kali died. It’s quite possible that we’re not getting the full story here about how sick Kali really was leading up to her tragic and entirely preventable death.

Kali’s Mom had tested positive and proceeded to take what looks like fairly tepid steps to protect her family:

“I got tested for COVID and became positive. I tried to quarantine myself from them. We have a two-story home. They were upstairs and I was downstairs,” Harwood said.

The child died within hours of developing symptoms. She died at home as the family didn’t (bother?) to take her to the hospital.

But as Bob Dylan said in an entirely different context, “take the rag, away from your face, now’s not the time for your tearsoutrage”. (Okay, I’ve changed the words a bit.)

What does “the family” do as soon as the four year old daughter dies, and please bear in mind that there’s nothing that can be done for her now:

A GoFundMe page has been set up by her family.

I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve seen this pattern, COVIDIOTS making money off their own stupidity. Who exactly are the people who feel compelled to reward this woman for endangering her children by 1) not getting vaccinated in the first place, and 2) not taking adequate steps to protect them when she contracted the disease. Eventually, GoFundMe got around to shutting down Kyle Rittenhouse’s fundraising page and one would think they might take a look at the fundraising antics of the people who insist on endangering all of us, including their own kids.

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