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Yet another modest proposal

Just read this post in which it is related that Joe Manchin sort of denied that he has regular meetings with oil lobbyists, as AOC has charged.

The likelihood is that he was lying, or to be kind, stretching the truth farther than Gumby ever attempted to stretch.

Lobbyists have to register. Wouldn’t it make sense to require them to report each and every meeting they have with an elected official? I assume if they communicate in writing those writings are subject to FOIA, which is why unrecorded meetings serve their interests better.

Speaking of Joe Manchin, I saw a rundown of the Sunday shows somewhere this morning (can’t recall where) and noticed that Manchin was on three of them. The Sunday shows are dominated by Republicans as it is, be the incumbent administration Democratic or Republican. To be fair, Bernie was on two shows, but those were the only Democratic names I recognized, and one of them has to have quotation marks around the word “Democratic” when one refers to him.

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