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Just asking

Shouldn’t this woman be facing criiminal charges? Losing her medical license, especially given that she was otherwise retired, seems like a trivial punishment:

A Connecticut physician has surrendered her medical license after an investigation uncovered that she was giving signed blank vaccination exemption forms to anyone who sent a self-addressed stamp envelope.

An anonymous tip to the Connecticut Medical Examining Board prompted an investigation into retired physician Sue McIntosh.

She had been “providing fraudulent vaccine exemption forms through the mail related to COVID-19 vaccines, general vaccines, COVID testing, and medical opposition to wearing facial masks,” the investigation said. Patients, when they received these forms, only had to fill out their name and date and then select a reason for a mask exemption, records show.

Via Politicus USA citing Business Insider.

I didn’t practice criminal law, so I’m not sure what statute might cover this, but there are a lot of people doing time who caused far less harm.

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