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Breyer leaving

So Stephen Breyer is leaving. Perhaps he finally realized that his belief in an “above all that” Supreme Court was a fantasy.

I understand Biden intends to pick a black woman as the next justice, which is fine, but there’s another qualification that’s equally urgent. She should be young, say in her early forties. We need to know she’ll be around for a good long time.

I’m looking forward to see how the press handles it when Mitch starts mewling that the Democrats are pushing the nomination far too quickly, and that they should surely wait until after the mid-terms to bring the nominee up for a vote. Other than Fox, will anyone take him seriously? Alas, probably so.

So far as I know Manchin and Sinema have not caused problems with judicial nominees, but don’t be surprised if they start bloviating that they can’t vote for a Supreme Court nominee unless that person has support across the aisle.

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