I’ve run across a lot of blog posts and other pieces pointing out that Democratic messaging sucks, this post being only one example. This is a drum I’ve been beating for some time.
I can’t quite understand why the Democrats are so reluctant to call the Republicans out for what they are. We have been hearing for years that Democrats are socialists (sadly, not) but what Democrat has called the Republicans out for what they actually are, that being fascists. It couldn’t be too hard for some clever Democratic strategists to come up with ads and social media posts comparing Republicans to the Nazis and Fascists they so admire.
Most of us were educated in our early years to look askance at book burning and book banning, and there is still a vast constituency that recognizes the danger of that sort of thing, something that is becoming endemic. The comparison’s with the Nazis and the fascists practically write themselves. And how hard could it be to compare the Republican’s drive to disenfranchise their political opponents with fascist techniques.
Along with ratcheting up the attack on the Republicans, the Democrats have to take on the media, and I don’t mean only Fox. The “mainstream” media has a nasty habit of normalizing Republican behaviors while doing their best to put a negative spin on anything the Democrats touch. They do this because they have been brutalized by the Republicans while the Democrats stood silent. Bullshit both siderism is not going anywhere until the Democrats start calling it out for what it is. Case in point, as Eric Boehlert documents here, we got months of But Her Emails stories about Hillary Clinton’s emails, which was in fact a non-story, while the media has spent the last week or so excusing Trump’s obvious criminality. The fact that the press feels free to act like this is directly attributable to the Democrat’s failure to engage in the tactics Republicans used to get a free pass for their criminality.
Oh well. I repeat myself.
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