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C’mon Dick!

I’m a fan of Dick Blumenthal, but really, can he be serious about thinking that the Democrats should try to make the vote on the new Supreme Court justice bipartisan:

Here’s how one Democrat inexplicably sees it: “For the institution, it’s important because the Supreme Court has become so polarized that a bipartisan vote might well help to begin to restore some of the credibility it has lost,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat. As if the radical, unprecedented actions of the six extremists on the court taking a sledgehammer to the entire Democratic agenda, not to mention core civil and political rights, won’t be so bad if a few Republicans vote for a liberal replacement among the minority.

The Supreme Court won’t regain its credibility by a bipartisan vote and in any event it’s absurd to think that the Republicans will do anything but oppose anyone Biden nominates. The court might, someday, regain its credibility when several current members die, resign, or get put in prison, but all of those events are unlikely in the short term. I will be dead before a time comes when the court regains credibility, if that ever happens, which I sincerely doubt.

It sometimes appears that United States Senators live in a fantasy world.

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